Monday, December 29, 2014

Моя любимая книга

Моя любимая книга это Кто простит мне мою красоту от автора Елизаветы Бута.  Главная особенность данной книги в том что данная книга на столько систематично и правдива описывает события что даже впечатляет. А вот для кого заинтересовала, книгу можете вот тут найти, советую к чтению всем.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Аренда крана

Сегодня существуют огромное количество фирм аналогичных БИФ которые предлагают такую достаточно частую и нужную услугу по аренде крана. А вот интересно аренда крана модели Liebherr LTM 1070-4.1, на даче надо большие грузы поднять на третий этаж, посоветуйте как это лучше всего сделать.

Что будет дальше с миссией Rosetta и исследованием комет?

Где-то там, где темно и холодно, за 500 миллионов километров от нас, на комете спит космический аппарат «Филы» (Philae). Его батареи разряжены, а для их зарядки не хватает солнечного света. Но хотя спускаемый аппарат завершил свою основную работу, собрав множество бесценных данных о комете 67P/Чурюмова — Герасименко, миссия «Розетта» еще далека от завершения. Для многих ученых все только начинается.

В США заработала крупнейшая в мире солнечная электростанция

Развитие альтернативных способов получения электроэнергии продолжается. Как сообщает ресурс Engadget, в США начала работать крупнейшая в мире солнечная электростанция под названием Topaz.

Пуленепробиваемый графен позволит создать сверхмощный бронежилет

Слои углерода в один атом толщиной могут поглощать удары, которые пробили бы даже сталь. Последние исследования показали, что чистый графен показывает себя в два раза лучше, чем ткань, которая в настоящее время используется при создании пуленепробиваемых жилетов, что делает его идеальным для создания брони для солдат и полиции.

Windows XP потеряла еще одно место в рейтинге

Несмотря на то, что некоторые пользователи до сих пор предпочитают операционную систему Windows XP, она постепенно теряет свои позиции, уступая место более новым ОС от Microsoft.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Самое оригинально оформленное блюдо

Сегодня были подведены итоги конкурса "Самая вкусная Россия". Напоминаю что в конкурсе могли принимать участие практически любые шеф повара как частного так и официального плана, и для того чтоб участвовать в конкурсе достаточно было предъявить свое оригинально оформленное блюдо. Так вот главный приз получило блюдо с названием "Запеченный инжир в ореховом сиропе", которое кроме всего прочего получило и статус самого вкусного. Кстати вот тут можете ознакомится с способом приготовления блюда, а так же более подробно почитать о том какие ингредиенты понадобятся для этого.

В Пензе испекли рекордно большой каравай весом почти 414 кг

Для его изготовления потребовалось 300 кг муки, 50 кг сахара, 10 кг изюма, 300 яиц, 40 кг маргарина, 8 кг дрожжей, 70 литров молока, 2 кг соли, 10 литров растительного масла, 1 кг разрыхлителя и 500 граммов ванилина. Презентация каравая, испеченного сельскохозяйственным производственно-сбытовым кооперативом «Хлеб», состоялась в киноконцертном зале «Пенза» в пятницу, 21 ноября. Результат работы пензенских производителей зарегистрирован как новое национальное достижение в номинации «Изготовление самого большого каравая России». «Информация о данном достижении войдет в единый международный реестр Российского комитета по регистрации рекордов планеты», — сообщили ИА «PenzaNews» в пресс-службе правительства Пензенской области

Воронежское мраморное мясо увезут в Москву

Московский ресторатор Аркадий Новиков 20 ноября посетил Воронежскую область и встретился с губернатором региона Алексеем Гордеевым. В ходе переговоров обсуждались перспективы поставок мраморного мяса в сеть ресторанов Группы компаний бизнесмена. Аркадий Новиков побывал на откормочных площадках ООО «Заречное» и на мясоперерабатывающем комплексе в Рамонском районе. Бизнесмен заявил: «Вся Москва уже говорит о том, что самое лучшее мясо – это воронежское, во всех ресторанах с гордостью говорят - у нас есть воронежское… Я, как ресторатор, считаю, что в наших ресторанах должно быть лучшее мясо, а лучшее мясо – воронежское». Алексей Гордеев рассказал об уникальности проекта создания мясного кластера: «За пять лет мы с нуля довели поголовье крупного-рогатого скота в регионе до 120 тысяч голов. Выстроена целая цепочка по производству высококачественного мраморного мяса от производства до переработки».

В Иванове пройдет межрегиональный фестиваль кулинарного искусства

VI Межрегиональный фестиваль кулинарного искусства состоится уже завтра, 27 ноября, в ресторане «Атлант» (Иваново). Открытие мероприятия намечено на 10.30. Подведение итогов конкурса начнется в 16.00. Тема кулинарного фестиваля — «Гостеприимство стран мира», а значит участники порадуют жюри различными национальными блюдами. В конкурсе примут участие студенты 17 учреждений профессионального образования Ивановской, Вологодской, Владимирской, Нижегородской и Костромской областей.

В Гостином дворе состоится Гастрономический фестиваль

Кулинарный фестиваль состоится на площадке размером 12 тысяч квадратных метров. 28 ноября, в день открытия фестиваля, кондитеры изготовят самую большую шоколадную ёлочную игрушку весом более 50 килограммов. К новому году эта игрушка станет украшением кремлёвской ёлки. В дни работы фестиваля гости смогут посетить кулинарные мастер-классы, новогодний базар, беззвучную дискотеку и бесшумный кинотеатр. В рамках фестиваля состоится чемпионат среди кулинаров-любителей «Кулинарная звезда» и презентация некоторых номеров мюзикла «Моцарт».

Швейцарцы требуют запретить блюда из собак и кошек

Жители Швейцарии подали петицию в защиту кошек и собак, требуя, чтобы власти страны законодательно запретили употребление домашних питомцев в пищу. Под обращением уже подписались 16 тыс. человек. «Около 3% швейцарцев в тайне едят кошек или собак. Особенно это заметно в городах Луцерн, Аппенцелль, Юра (Jura) и в кантоне Берн», — отметил основатель и президент общества защиты животных SOS Chats Noiraigue Томи Томек. По его словам, странные «гурманы» включают кошачье мясо в рождественское меню вместо кролика с белым вином и чесноком. Собачье мясо используется для создания колбас, а их жир продается как средство от ревматизма. В настоящее время закон запрещает продажу кошки или собаки на мясо, однако самому хозяину животного ничего не мешает съесть животных, передает «Би-Би-Си». Отметим, что SOS Chats Noiraigue уже достигало успехов в области защиты животных в Швейцарии. Так в прошлом году зоозащитники добились введения запрета на продажу кошачьей шерсти

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Грибы могут регулировать скорость мутирования своих клеток

Грибы толстоногие опята (Armillaria gallica), хорошо известные среди грибников и кулинаров, прославились еще больше после выхода в 1992 году в журнале Nature статьи The fungus Armillaria bulbosa is among the largest and oldest living organisms (A. gallicaA. bulbosaA. lutea — синонимы). Тогда удалось доказать, что индивидуальный организм опенка толстоногого может быть поистине огромным и исключительно долгоживущим, сравнимым по этим показателям с признанными живыми колоссами планеты — синими китами и секвойями (кит весит 150 тонн и больше, а гигантская секвойя может дожить до 3500 лет). С помощью методики для определения границ индивидуального организма, использованной авторами публикации в Nature, специалисты-микологи начали поиски еще более крупных грибных представителей. И такие действительно находились. В частности, для гриба Armillaria ostoyae указывались размеры в 37 га, и даже почти в 900 га, а продолжительность жизни оценивалась в 2 400 лет. Эта гонка за самым большим грибом получила название «грибная война». Скорее всего, грибы нередко дорастают до таких размеров и такого возраста — эти факты и в самом деле поразительны, но цифры не представляют интереса для специалистов. Проблема для них в другом: как наиболее надежно определить границы индивидуального гриба, как отличить внутривидовую изменчивость от изменчивости внутри одного организма. Ведь «опенок» (на самом деле грибники собирают несколько близких видов) — это далеко не весь индивидуальный организм, а лишь одно из бесчисленных его плодовых тел, дающих гаплоидные споры.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Rent a car in Dubai

You know just recently returned from a holiday in Dubai and honestly pleased firstly the fact that the rest was just perfectly, and that was the most important holiday for all five plus. So I managed to rent a car on your holiday rental at a great price and most importantly, on favorable terms. By the way if anyone interested you can here on this Dubai, Al Quoz 4, Wirehouse # 4 address find the most car rental agency.

2015 Ford F-150 claims segment's best payload, towing ratings

While we are set to drive the new, 2015 Ford F-150 in the coming days, there's a big piece of news on the latest-generation of the Blue Oval's bread-and-butter pickup coming out of Dearborn, and it focuses on the truck's hauling and towing abilities. The new F-150 will have a maximum payload of 3,300-pounds (V8 models), and, perhaps more importantly, a 12,200-pound tow rating (EcoBoost V6 models), which for the first time are compliant with the Society of Automotive Engineer's J2807 standards. Those best-in-class figures are significant feathers in Ford's cap as the Detroit Three continue duking it out for the title of top pickup. "As founding members of the SAE trailer towing committee, we will meet SAE trailer towing standards," Ford's Aaron Miller told Autoblog. In order to seize that max tow rating, you'll need to tick the box for the F-150's excellent 3.5-liter, twin-turbocharged EcoBoost V6 and its 365 horsepower and 420 pound-feet of torque, although your payload rating will only reach 3,180 pounds. Ford's new 2.7-liter, 325-hp, 375-lb-ft EcoBoost V6, meanwhile, can manage to tow 8,500 pounds and enjoys a payload rating of 2,250 pounds. If you're aching for the max payload rating of 3,300 pounds, you'll want to go naturally aspirated and opt for the F-150's biggest engine, the 5.0-liter V8. Snagging for the 385-hp, 387-lb-ft eight-cylinder drops the tow rating to a still respectable 11,100 pounds. Finally, the F-Series' base 3.5-liter V6 and its 283 hp and 255 lb-ft of torque can haul 1,910 pounds and tow 7,600 pounds.

2016 Chevy Camaro makes camo'd appearance in Germany

After our initial round of spy photos revealed a heavily camouflaged prototype of the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro, we've been on the lookout for anything new on the next-gen muscle car. And now, we have it. This is the best look we've had of the 2016 Camaro yet, and while it may be wearing a Michigan manufacturer's plate, this tester is zipping about on Germany's Nürburgring. As with our first batch of photos, this appears to be a more potent version of the Camaro, potentially an SS 1LE or ZL1, judging by the power bulge in the hood, the quadruple exhausts, the meaty wheels and a significant rear spoiler. Aside from those items, most of which were available in the July round of photos, our spies point to an even slimmer roofline, which leads into a smaller rear decklid and a rounded rear end. Out front, we can see an evolution of the current Camaro's wide, narrow grille (more than one Autoblog editor points out that there's a Scion tC-like quality to this car's nose, although we'd like to point out that's largely the fault of the camouflage) and a front axle with wheels pushed towards the outer corner of the car. It's not clear what sort of engine is sitting under this Camaro's hood, although considering it's sporting touches, we're betting it's some sort of V8. Other engines that could arrive on the new Alpha-platform Camaro include the usual suspects – GM's 3.6-liter V6, which is found in the current car, and the 2.0-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder found on the next Camaro's platform-mates, the Cadillac ATS and CTS.

Jaguar details new Ingenium four-cylinder engines

When Jaguar lifted the veil on its new XE sports sedan earlier this month, it only revealed details on one engine – that being the 3.0-liter supercharged V6 in the flagship XE S. But we already knew that the British automaker's new entry-level model will offer many other powertrain options, and now it has revealed a little more. Jaguar has been developing a new family of 2.0-liter four-cylinder engines it calls Ingenium, which will be offered in a wide array of configurations and specifications. In advance of its debut at the upcoming Paris Motor Show, the Leaping Cat marque has announced the specifications of the two diesel versions. The first will offer 161 horsepower and 280 pound-feet of torque and some of the best environmental credentials on the market. There will also be a more potent version with 177 hp and 317 lb-ft, which Jaguar says is "one of the highest torque outputs in the class." Either way, both versions feature variable exhaust valve timing, cooled low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation and selective catalytic reduction technologies to help meet the stringent Euro 6 standards. That's all well and fine, but considering that Jaguar doesn't offer diesels in North America, the chances of these oil-burners making their way Stateside seem slim. But if you watch the video below, you'll also find basic specs on their gasoline counterparts as well. Like the diesels, they're turbocharged and displace 2.0 liters, but in petrol form, they offer 197 hp and 206 lb-ft of torque, or 236 hp and 250 lb-ft. Though we're only likely to get the automatic version in America, globally speaking Jaguar will offer both six-speed manual and eight-speed automatic transmissions. Whatever the specification, though, the new engines are set to roll off the line at the company's new plant in the West Midlands at a rate as high as one every 36 seconds, should the demand exist.

Kia showcasing Optima T-Hybrid concept in Paris

At the Geneva Motor Show earlier this year, Kia showcased a new diesel hybrid powertrain. And at the rapidly approaching Paris Motor Show, it will present that new technology in the Optima sedan concept you see here. Called the Kia Optima T-Hybrid, the concept mates a 1.7-liter diesel with both a turbocharger and electric supercharger to a small electric motor and a 48-volt lead-carbon battery. The mild hybrid setup allows it to travel in electric-only model at low speeds and at cruise, regenerating brake power to recharge the battery. Kia said it chose the lead-carbon battery pack over lithium-ion because it's easier to recycle and does not require active cooling. Because the powertrain is still under development, Kia isn't saying what kind of fuel economy or emissions figures it gets in the Optima T-Hybrid concept, but it is targeting a "significant reduction" in emissions and fuel consumption, while delivering 15 to 20 percent more power. Check out the system in action in the video below.

Honda reveals more with Civic Type R concept bound for Paris

The reveal of the next-generation Honda Civic Type R has been a gradual one. First Honda showed us a camouflaged prototype, then let us drive one at its Japanese proving ground and followed up with a concept at the Geneva Motor Show. Now with the Paris Motor Show looming on the horizon, it has revealed yet another concept to keep hot-hatch enthusiasts on their toes. The second Civic Type R concept appears almost identical to the first one – right down to the aggressive aero kit, quad exhaust tips, oversized wheels and ultra-low-profile rubber – but wears a new coat of Superman blue with go-fast decals. With its release, however, Honda has confirmed some of the salient details set for the production version. In the nose sits a 2.0-liter turbo four with 276 horsepower and a 7,000-rpm redline, mated to a six-speed manual transmission. Adaptive dampers and a "steer axis" system promise to keep the power under control, while a push of the +R button tightens up the suspension, steering and torque mapping. All of this adds up to a hot hatch which Honda promises will surpass every Type R before it – including the Integra, Accord, the previous Civic... and yes, even the NSX. Production is slated to take place at Honda's plant in Swindon, UK, with delivery to European showrooms commencing sometime next year.

Combative de Nysschen defends Cadillac move, naming change

Johan de Nysschen isn't afraid of taking quick, decisive actions, even if they are criticized. Since taking the wheel at Cadillac, he instigated moving the luxury division's base of operations to Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood and introduced a new naming scheme for the future of the brand, like he did at Infiniti. The polarizing boss recently explained his feelings about the future of Cadillac in more depth on his Facebook page, but unfortunately only his friends could read it. Thankfully, Daily Kanban posted much of the strongly worded missive for the whole world to see. Much of the message examines the decision to move some employees to New York. De Nysschen claims that it's all about giving Cadillac distance from Detroit to reshape itself. It allows for, "No distractions. No side shows. No cross-brand corporate considerations. No homogenized lowest common denominator approach. Just pure, unadulterated, CLASS." De Nysschen's isn't afraid of stepping on some toes to make his point, either. He claims that after announcing the move to SoHo, he received, "emails from GM retires suggesting that is the dumbest idea since the Cimmaron. I quietly wonder if any of them had a hand in creating that masterful monument to product substance." De Nysschen also briefly takes aim at those critiquing the model naming scheme change, as well. "I do not determine strategy based on the unfiltered observations of people who do not have a 360 degree understanding of the problem," he writes. The new boss curtly ends the message: "So, Detroit fans, I love your city, the success of Cadillac will be your success, the majority of our jobs remain in Detroit, and as we grow, these will increase too. But other than that – don't mess with me." The current goal for Cadillac's leaders is to raise its brand perception and maybe take a step towards being the standard of the world again. After only being at the task for a few weeks, de Nysschen is certainly showing laser focus on getting the job done, no matter who gets upset at how he does it.

Kia bringing updated Rio, Venga to Paris

The Rio may not be the most popular Kia in the United States – not by a long shot – but it was the brand's top seller globally last year. Little wonder, then, that although the current fourth-generation model was only introduced in 2011, the Korean automaker is already rolling out a facelifted version. Set to be revealed later this week at the Paris Motor Show, the 2015 Kia Rio has been updated inside, out and under the hood. The front end gets a new grille, bumper and foglights, there's a new bumper around back, and a fresh array of alloy wheels ranging in size from 15 inches to 17. There are also two new colors on offer, and the interior has been updated with a new center stack and chrome trim. Powertrain options depend on local market demands but range from 74 horsepower to 107, driving the front wheels through a five- or six-speed manual or four-speed automatic and available with stop/start ignition. The updates were announced for the European-spec model; we're waiting for confirmation on what, if any, of these revisions will reach US showrooms, so watch this space. While it's at it, Kia has also revealed an updated Venga, the mini-minivan based on the same platform as the Kia Soul and Hyundai i20, introduced in Europe five years ago. Scope out the full details of both models in the press releases below.

Rolls-Royce to reach 4,000 units this year

Rolls-Royce is, by nature, an exclusive auto marque, but it has been steadily increasing its sales to the point that it could be looking at 4,000 units by the end of this year, setting a new record for the German-owned British automaker. You don't even need to go back a decade to find Rolls-Royce sales hovering around the 1,000-unit mark. But that was when Goodwood only offered the Phantom saloon. The subsequent addition of the Phantom DHC and Phantom Coupe helped expand its portfolio, enlarged even further by the addition of the Ghost in 2010, by which time total sales were reaching 3,000 units. The Spirit of Ecstasy marque has been hovering around the 3,500 mark ever since, but with the Wraith now in the mix and its reach extending into growing markets around the world, Autocar reports that global sales could top 4,000 units this year. (Of course that pales in comparison to one-time sister brand Bentley, which topped 10,000 deliveries last year, but Rolls-Royce typically competes at a higher price bracket.). That's all well and fine in the abstract, but what that means in concrete terms is that Goodwood stands to generate around $800 million in profits this year. That means it has the cash on hand to fund the development of its own models internally, without needing to rely on parent company BMW to provide the capital. The financial independence will be brought to bear first on the next-generation Phantom as well as on the next Ghost, but also on the SUV project that's currently on the table.

Harley recalls 107,000 motorcycles due to clutch problem

Harley-Davidson is getting in on the recall chorus this year, announcing a six-figure callback of its Touring and CVO lines of cruisers. 105,746 Electra Glide Ultra Classic, Ultra Limited, Police Electra Glide, Street Glide Special, Street Glide, Tri Glide Ultra, CVO Limited, CVO Road King, CVO Breakout, Electra Glide Ultra Classic Twin Cooled, Ultra Limited Shrine, Street Glide Shrine and CVO Softail Deluxe are affected. The problem focuses on clutch master cylinder, which could be prone to failure, and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, could reduce the "pressure available to keep the clutch disengaged." If the clutch engages, NHTSA says the bike could creep forward unintentionally, raising the risk of a crash. Separately, HD is also recalling 1,384 XG500 and XG750 (better known as Street 500 and Street 750) due to a problem with the neck of the fuel tank filler. Apparently, the neck may be "insufficiently flat," which could prevent the fuel cap from sealing properly and increasing the chance of a fuel spill. The Touring line recall only affects 2014 models, while the 1,400 Street bikes are from model year 2015. In both cases, Harley will be notifying owners of the affected bikes, who will need to report in for free repairs (either a rebuilt clutch master cylinder or a new fuel tank). Take a look below for the NHTSA bulletins on both the cruiser recall and the Street recall.

Dutch monster truck demonstration leaves three dead

Tragedy struck during a monster truck demonstration at a car show in Haaksbergen, Netherlands, when the massive vehicle (pictured above) seemingly lost control and crashed into spectators. The calamity resulted in three fatalities and many injuries among bystanders. Videos of the accident seemed to show the truck rolling over several cars, pivoting and crashing into the crowd at the end of the run, as people ran away for safety. According to British newspaper The Mirror, the rescue effort was swift with hospitals opening their doors and even ambulances from nearby Germany responding to help. The driver of the monster truck was reportedly arrested. The Mirror initially reported two deaths and 18 injuries with six people in serious condition. However, the mayor of the Haaksbergen issued a statement on September 29 that revised the total to three fatalities and five people seriously harmed. A child, man and woman lost their lives in the tragedy, but the mayor didn't release their names or ages. A further update later said that the city would be working with investigators to find out what happened to cause the disaster. The incident echoes a similarly devastating monster truck crash in Mexico, where eight people lost their lives. The driver in that case was later charged with manslaughter.

Ram increasing EcoDiesel production

The Ram 1500 EcoDiesel shot out of the gate with strong sales by filling its initial allocation of 8,000 orders in just three days, in February. At the time, Ram expected that the oil-burning variant would account for around 10 percent of 1500 output, but it knew there was room to grow if the demand was there. Apparently it is, as the truck maker is doubling the diesel's production mix for the 2015 model year to 20 percent of the pickup's total volume. Since hitting the market, the EcoDiesel has been a smashing success, according to Ram. The company claims that nearly 60 percent of its sales have been conquests from other truck brands, and its popularity has boosted the 1500's average transaction price, as well. In an accompanying video, brand president Bob Hegbloom said that customers have been demanding more of them. "Innovation sometimes comes with risk, but being first to market with a diesel engine for the half-ton segment has shown to be a great decision for the Ram Brand," said Hegbloom in the company's release. Now, Ram has a new deal with engine supplier VM Motori to allocate it even more of the EcoDiesel's 3.0-liter V6s for the 1500. They will be shipped to the recently enlarged Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan and Saltillo Truck Assembly Plant in Mexico, and the actual production increase will be complete by the end of November. While we might see more of them on the road, the 2015 Ram 1500 EcoDiesel is essentially carried over from last year's model. It still uses the same 3.0-liter V6 with 240 horsepower and 420 pound-feet of torque and an eight-speed automatic transmission. Scroll down for the video from Hegbloom explaining the decision and the full release from Ram.

2014 Zero S and SR

I recently learned how to summon the ultimate power of the universe. Perhaps surprisingly, it didn't come about by bending a knee or popping a potion, but rather, through twisting my wrist. I'll tell you more about this revelation, but first, a confession. Faithful readers may suspect that I am a bit taken with electric motorcycles. I write about them frequently for AutoblogGreen and spend a lot more time reading about them and following various racing and development efforts. Yet, despite my infatuation, I had never actually ridden one before showing up at the headquarters of Zero Motorcycles in Scotts Valley, CA a few weeks back. In fact, I'd never previously piloted any sort of motorcycle on the street. Something I may have neglected to mention to my generous hosts. I grew up in Canada, and early on my Dad decided snowmobiles would be a better sort of recreational vehicle for our family's somewhat rural existence than motorbikes. He was probably right. I raced through tight forest trails and across open fields whenever there was snow on the ground (and sometimes when there wasn't), and it opened up the great outdoors to me far more than any sort of two-wheeled vehicle could. You can't easily ride twenty miles down a frozen river on a motorcycle, for instance. Heck, in a pinch one could even power a sled across a couple hundred feet of open water after a sudden thaw of the mighty Petitcodiac. (Note to my Mom: I never did this. Especially not twice.) But I digress.

Ford Mustang 50th anniversary edition brings in $170k

Just the other day, we reported on the first Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat selling for a whopping $825,000 at auction. But impressive as that sum was, the Challenger wasn't the only sought-after modern muscle car to cross the Barrett-Jackson auction block in Las Vegas this past weekend. So did this rare Ford Mustang. The last of 1,964 special-edition 50 Years Limited Edition pony cars sold for a princely $170,000, with proceeds benefiting the Edith and Benson Ford Heart & Vascular Institute, a branch of the Henry Ford Health System. The pony car in question is based on the 2015 Ford Mustang GT and upgrades with a performance package and nearly every option on the book, along with a unique appearance package to set it apart in celebration of the Mustang's 50th anniversary. It's available in two exclusive shades – Wimbledon white or Kona blue – with either a manual or automatic transmission. Only 1,964 highly symbolic examples were to be built, and this was the last of them.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Volvo V40 Cross Country gets the all-wheel drive it deserves

Want a rugged Volvo wagon? Gothenburg has two kinds to offer: there's the XC crossovers on the one hand and ruggedized wagons on the other. As we reported last month from the unveiling of the new XC90 in Sweden, Volvo plans on offering more Cross Country wagons in the future. But in the meantime, it has upgraded the existing V40 Cross Country with some key enhancements – not the least of which is the long-awaited addition of all-wheel drive. Powertrain upgrades for Volvo's smallest soft-roader include the new T5 engine (a 1.7-liter turbo four producing 245 horsepower), an eight-speed automatic transmission and all-wheel drive. The new powertrain is not only more capable, but also more environmentally friendly than the old T5 it replaces. The enhanced V40 Cross Country launches in Europe mid-fall before being rolled out in other markets in the following months, but unfortunately the United States is not among them as the V40 is not offered Stateside in any configuration, which is a shame.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Toyota recalls 690,000 Tacoma trucks for rusty leaf springs, fire risk

Toyota has announced that it will be issuing a recall of 690,000 Tacoma pickups from model years 2005 through 2011. The affected vehicles include both the four-wheel-drive model and the two-wheel-drive PreRunner (but not the standard 4x2 pickups), which may have a rather serious problem with their rear suspensions. In some cases, corrosion and stress could cause one of the three or four leaves in the rear suspension's leaf springs to fracture. While the trucks can still be driven with a broken leaf, Toyota is concerned that it could move out of position and impact other components in the rear of the truck, with a particular focus on the fuel tank. Needless to say, but a piece of metal continuously impacting anything, let alone the fuel tank, is cause for concern. As of this writing, there have been no reports of crashes, injuries, fires or deaths due to this problem, although that won't stop Toyota from informing all affected customers of the issue. Those 690,000 owners will need to report in to dealers for inspections and, if necessary, repairs.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

McLaren 650S GT3 stalks its prey in the woods

We're plenty excited about the new McLaren 650S GT3. While we've poured over images of the new racer, we've yet to see it in motion, which makes the arrival of this new video pretty fortuitous. By clicking 'play' above, you'll see the 650S streaking through the forest, showing off its many good angles along with an ear-pleasing exhaust note that should fit in nicely on the racing grid. Of course, what grid that will be is open for discussion. Rumors continue circulating that the replacement for the MP4-12C GT3 will herald McLaren's long-awaited return to the 24 Hours of Le Mans and other top-flight endurance series, provided it's converted to the GTE class standard. While that's yet to be confirmed, as of right now, it's a virtual certainty that this new model will take up the series currently contested by the GT3 class, including the Blancpain Endurance Series and Pirelli World Challenge.

2015 BMW S 1000 RR looks to retain sportbike supremacy

The BMW S 1000 RR is already a pretty potent member of the superbike ranks, but BMW is revealing a host of upgrades for this two-wheeled lightning bolt at the Intermot 2014 motorcycle show that should make it even faster. The biggest additions to the latest 1000 RR are its new cylinder head, lighter valves and different intake cam to tweak even more power from the bike's 1.0-liter, four-cylinder engine, and BMW now rates it at a claimed 196 horsepower (or 199 horses if you go with the European measurement, converted from 146 kilowatts), a boost over the first-gen's 193 ponies, and 83 pound-feet of torque through a six-speed gearbox. Those adjustments would probably be enough to make the cycle a tick faster alone, but the Bavarian engineers also cut 8.82 pounds (4 kg) to bring the motorcycle's weight with a full tank of fuel to a feather-light 450 pounds. Much of that diet comes from the redesigned exhaust that cuts about 6.6 pounds off the scales. Cradling that tweaked engine is a redesigned, lighter frame with fully adjustable springs. The bike also comes standard with Race ABS, stability control, seven-step variable traction control and three riding modes. In terms of styling, all of these changes are communicated through an updated fairing with repositioned, though still asymmetric, headlights. For buyers who want even more customization for their ride, BMW is happy to oblige. The company claims that the 1000 RR is the first model in the superbike class to offer optional cruise control. There's also an available dynamic traction control system that senses the cycle's lean angle and adjusts things accordingly. Those heading for the track can tick the box for Pro Riding mode that adds Slick and User settings, launch control and a programmable pitlane speed limiter. To shave a few more tenths off a lap, there's the HP Gear Shift Assist Pro system that allows for clutchless gear changes. Scroll down to read BMW's immense press release on the S 1000 RR for every detail you could ever want to know about this updated motorcycle.

Friday, August 8, 2014

VW introduces updated Vento sedan in India

Go just about anywhere in the world and you can pick up a new Golf, but beyond that, Volkswagen offers individual models catered to local markets. European buyers can drive off in the Up!, South Americans can get their hands on the Saveiro, Chinese customers have the new Lamando at their disposal, and in India, VW offers the Vento. Essentially a Polo with a longer wheelbase and a trunk, the Vento is a bare-bones economy sedan, and it's just undergone a facelift. The updates are mostly familiar from the latest Polo, with sharper lines, new headlamps and a revised interior with three-spoke steering wheel. Powertrain options include a 1.2- and 1.6-liter gasoline engines and a 1.5-liter TDI, mated to either a five-speed manual or seven-speed automatic transmission, with trim levels including Trendline, Comfortline and Highline. Either way, you're looking at a fairly basic form of transportation, with only the top trim coming with features like stability management and dual front airbags.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kawasaki Ninja H2R is a 300-hp supercharged carbon-fiber cruise missile

We don't get to cover the ins and outs of the motorcycle world as much as we'd like, but there was no way we could skip bringing you the latest announcement of the Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Great Galloping Jesus, does this thing look incredible. The Ninja nameplate has typically been synonymous with top-tier performance, and this carbon fiber-clad monster seeks to take that reputation to another level. Crouched inside of that green, tubular steel trellis frame is a 998cc inline-four engine that has been supercharged to the tune of 300 horsepower. That unprecedented figure is almost guaranteed to carry the H2R well past the 200-mile per-hour-mark, for any test-rider brave enough to keep the throttle pegged and skillful enough to keep the 17-inch slicks stuck to the Earth. The new Ninja isn't a street-legal machine – as evidenced by its headlightless, bewinged face – but rather a showpiece for Kawasaki knowhow. A single-sided swingarm – a first for Kawasaki – holds the rear wheel in place, while the steel trellis takes up less space than would an aluminum twin-spar. The carbon-fiber work on the cowl was designed with assistance from the company's aerospace arm, while engineering of the centrifugal supercharger was aided by minds in the personal watercraft division. Teamwork makes the dream work, we always say. And this particular dream is expected to be come a streetable reality, we're told, at this year's EICMA show. The new Ninja formula is expected to be shown on a street bike debut at the event. Don't expect the consumer version to be as wild, and as wildly powerful, but we do anticipate it'll be impressive.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

McLaren rolls out more accessible 625C in Asia

When McLaren first introduced the 650S, the initial idea was to keep the 12C it effectively replaced around as a more accessible option – particularly in certain Asian markets where buying a new car, much less an exotic supercar, is an even costlier endeavor than it is in other markets. Woking soon changed track and discontinued the 12C, but has now addressed that "entry-level" demand with the introduction of the new 625C. Based closely on the 650S, the 625C is being launched in Hong Kong and will be available exclusively in the Asia Pacific region, making this McLaren's first "regionally tailored" model. It's powered by McLaren's signature 3.8-liter twin-turbo V8, but carries the same 616-horsepower output as the 12C touted before it's demise. It also gets a softer rear suspension to make the Club model both "more refined and more accessible" than the 650S. As a result of the decrease in power, 0-62 is quoted at one tenth slower than the 650S at 3.1 seconds, while top speed and emissions figures remain the same. Asian buyers will be able to opt for coupe and convertible body-styles, but what's particularly interesting for those in other regions is that the 625C paves the way for other variants tailored to specific markets (say, like the North American one, for example) and that the nameplate ostensibly sets the precedent for a new naming scheme to usher McLaren away from its previous disparate nomenclature (12C, 650S, P1) and into a more clearly defined hierarchy.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Lamborghini Asterion leaked in print ahead of Paris debut

The first purportedly leaked images from an Italian magazine of Lamborghini's new vehicle for the Paris Motor Show are on the web, and they closely echo the model's silhouette from the teaser. However, there's no official mention of a name to confirm that this is being called the Asterion, as rumored. The profile image (right) definitely suggests this is the same model that Lamborghini is previewing for Paris. It features the same slightly arcing hood and roof, and it has a rear air intake behind the door. The shape also seems to support the belief that this concept has a 2+2 seating arrangement to echo earlier Lambo models like Espada. According to, which has posted the images, the vehicle may use a hybrid V10 with three electric motors to produce in the neighborhood of 900 horsepower. Furthermore, it claims that this might be just one of two concepts that Lamborghini is bringing to the Paris show. For now it's still a mystery, but all should be revealed on October 2 for the vehicle's unveiling.

Friday, July 18, 2014

2014 Cadillac ELR

A few years ago, Audi Of America's boss Johan de Nysschen went on record describing the Chevrolet Volt as "a car for idiots." Fast-forward to earlier this summer, and the well-regarded executive suddenly found himself in a new office with new business cards bearing the title: President, Cadillac. That means that among other challenges, de Nysschen is now tasked with selling the ELR, a car that is, at its core, a Volt in a sportier, less utile frock wearing a price tag that's twice as expensive. Frankly, it's not a prospect we imagine the South African executive and recent Infiniti boss relishes. Just about nobody is buying the ELR – Cadillac has sold but 774 examples of its plug-in hybrid coupe this year and it presently has an almost a 200-day supply according to Automotive News. What's more, those numbers actually represent big improvements over just a few months ago, before GM started heaping on the incentives. The cynic in us says that the bad news for De Nysschen is that he's got a borderline sales-proof car in his new corporate garage. The good news? Cadillac customers apparently aren't idiots. Before we go any further, let's get back to that elephant in the room: price. There's no way to be kind here – General Motors has saddled its 2014 Cadillac ELR with a scarcely believable bottom line: $75,000. Even arithmophobes like us can work out that that means it costs as much as a base ATS Coupe and a Chevrolet Volt combined. That, in our book, is unforgivably bad math – the sort of computation logic understood only by buyers of the Aston Martin Cygnet, or perhaps those who signed off on the Allante's assembly process back in the '80s, an arrangement that involved flying uncompleted cars over the Atlantic in custom-outfitted Boeing 747s. Twice.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cadillac planning its own engines, halo cars

Cadillac is in the midst of some big changes. It's got a new chief executive. It's taking some distance from parent company General Motors and moving to a new headquarters in New York. And it's instituting a new naming scheme that will allow not only for a more clear progression in its lineup, but also for more models. But that's not the end of the story. Not by a long shot. Speaking with Automobile magazine, Cadillac's new president Johan de Nysschen revealed his intention to develop several new models and powertrains. For starters, he does not want Cadillac to continue borrowing engines from the GM parts bin, but intends to develop a new range of engines specifically for the luxury automaker. The program will likely start with smaller-capacity engines but eventually lead to new V8s as well, taking the place of the long-serving Northstar engine that finally ended its lifespan a few years ago after some two decades of production. Along with other technologies, de Nysschen envisions possibly sharing these powertrains with other GM divisions, but developing them first and foremost for Cadillac. The bigger question, however, is where those engines would go, and de Nysschen had some thoughts to share on that front as well. For starters, the former Infiniti and Audi exec sees room for an even bigger sedan above the upcoming new CT6 that will cap the current range. Maybe even two of them. But that's not all. Johan wants to see Cadillac get (back) into the sports car game with a new halo model or two – something it hasn't really done since the Corvette-based XLR roadster. A pair of new crossovers are also said to be in the works, flanking the SRX on both sides with smaller and larger models. All of these plans de Nysschen hopes to get up and running within the next ten to fifteen years before he needs to retire. They're ambitious plans, to be certain, and paint a picture of a resurgent Cadillac that aims to once again become the world standard.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pontiac Firebird in latest Generation Gap scrap

Generation Gap is mining the Lingenfelter collection again this week to compare two very different interpretations of the Pontiac Firebird. An original 1968 example goes toe-to-toe with a 2010 Lingenfelter Trans Am to see whether the old man or the modern re-imagining takes the crown. Being from the Lingenfelter collection, both cars are absolutely immaculate. The '68 packs a Pontiac 350-cubic-inch (5.7-liter) V8 with a claimed 320 horsepower and some classic, muscular style with a hood-mounted tach. Plus, it's painted in an understated shade of green that you don't usually see. In the other corner is Lingenfelter's pumped-up take on the classic shape based on the modern Camaro, and this is just one of six concept versions ever made. It wears an eye-catching, vintage-inspired livery of blue with a white stripe package. Under its shaker hood is a 455-cubic-inch (7.5-liter) V8 with a reported 655 hp and 610 pound-feet of torque. Watch the hosts drive them both in the video to see which one you'd choose. Both choices certainly have their advantages.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Volkswagen charges up new Passat GTE for the trip to Paris

We all know that the letters GT stand for Gran Turismo, but tacking on another letter can evoke a different meaning altogether. GTO for Ferraris (or Pontiacs), GT-R for Nissan supercars, GTA for high-performance Alfa Romeos (or car-theft video games, or metropolitan Toronto)... The list goes on and on, but few are as familiar with the idea as Volkswagen, which uses the letters GTI for hot hatches, GTD for their diesel counterparts, and most recently, GTE for plug-in hybrids. VW introduced the nomenclature with the Golf GTE earlier this year, and is now following up with the Passat GTE you see here. It packs a hybrid powertrain consisting of a 1.4-liter turbo four producing 154 horsepower and an electric motor good for another 114 hp, channeled to the front wheels through a six-speed DSG for a combined output of 215 hp and 295 pound-feet of torque. In electric-only mode, it'll reach 80 mph and take you as far as 31 miles. That's more juice than the Golf GTE, but in the larger Passat delivers similar performance: 0-62 in under eight seconds and a top speed in excess of 136 miles per hour. In electric-only mode, it'll reach 80 mph and take you as far as 31 miles. But with both motors running, and both the 13-gallon fuel tank and the lithium-ion battery topped off, it'll travel up to 1,000 kilometers. That's the equivalent of 622 miles - more than the Golf GTE and more than enough to send the plug-in Passat from London to its debut in Paris and back again (or all the way from Detroit to New York) all without stopping at a single charging or gas station along the way. Set to launch in the second half of next year, the Passat GTE will be available in both sedan and wagon forms. But since this is based on the European model, we're not holding our breath for its transatlantic voyage to North American showrooms. Hypermilers will just have to hope that VW will offer a model with a similar system Stateside in the near future.

Ducati Scrambler finally makes its official debut

After months of teasing, Ducati is finally premiering the 2015 Scrambler at the Intermot 2014 motorcycle show in Cologne, Germany, but this reinterpreted retro bike doesn't actually hit the streets until January of 2015, so there's still some waiting to do. It will be offered in four trims that are each slightly tweaked to appeal to those looking for vintage style, modern usability or a mix of both. Ducati Scrambler IconThe latest Scrambler harkens back to the simple, single-cylinder Ducati models of the '60s and '70s, before the brand absolutely cemented its focus on performance. Unlike a superbike, this is supposed to be very easy to ride with wide handle bars, a long seat and upright riding position. The company calls the new design "post-heritage" because it marries the original shape with modern execution. The styling features an exposed, trellis frame and intricately bundled exhaust pipes from Ducati's current range. However, the single big headlight (now LED powered) and teardrop fuel tank scream old-school. Depending on how buyers want that styling, there are four trims to choose from. Icon is the basic layout mixing old and new cues. Urban Enduro goes for a dirt bike look with a big front fender over the tire. The Full Throttle is simple and unadorned, and the Classic goes fully towards the vintage. Power for all of them comes from a fuel-injected, 803cc, oil- and air-cooled L-twin engine with two valves per cylinder rated at 74 horsepower and 50 pound-feet of torque. That's linked up to a six-speed gearbox and a chain drives the rear wheel. The whole bike weighs in at 375 pounds dry or 410 pounds with fluids and fuel. ABS is standard. The Icon is launching first in January in red for $8,495 in the US (add an extra $100 for yellow). The Full Throttle, Urban Enduro and Classic trims will all go on sale later for $9,995. Scroll down to read the full release about the latest Ducati, and check out the gallery to see all of the models, including the complete specs.